The meaning of R&B changed in the 70s, as it began to be described as soul and funk music. Now, in 2020, I could confidently say that emerging 21-year-old artist Benzer could be one of the newest definitions for the genre. Before we even reach his lyrics, in his newly released song “On Read,” Benzer creates an environment for the listener to begin to imagine themselves in with only his beats.
For me personally, I imagined myself walking down a hot street in the city, envisioning music bumping from neighborhood cars. Although, yes, this may seem to be oddly specific–the fact that his instrumentals alone are capable of transporting the listener into such a vivid alternate state, is why this artist deserves to be on your “who to listen to” list.
In addition to his storytelling talent, Benzer is also capable of creating extremely relatable content. Benzer uses the analogy of someone feeling like the ship has already sailed for a relationship, while the other person feels like they haven’t even docked. This forces the listener to recognize the heart wrenching scenario that Benzer is setting up, that this person in the song is feeling as if they weren’t even given a chance. Benzer also captures the desire to just want to talk to the person you’re interested in, so much so, that you are willing to talk however way, whenever they can as he mentions his attempts to Facetime, message, etc.
Utilizing influences of Psychedelic Jazz throughout the song the listener is placed in a trance from the beginning, forcing them to just lay and listen to this song on repeat, as they reflect on all of their relationships amidst the era of technology. You can’t help but think about how many times you yourself have been left on read or possibly that you may have left someone on read and made them feel this way.
Sorry Benzer, but I have to thank whoever did this to you because the raw emotion that was presented in this song is incredible and wouldn’t have been achieved if you weren’t left “on read.” Embodying funky chill vibes similar to Mac Ayres, I am looking forward to the possible collab opportunities these two artists could have together. If Benzer did end up reaching out to him, I pray Mac wouldn’t leave him “On Read.”