Morgan Keller is a New York-based pop artist whose songs reflect the importance of self-love. Her second single, “Still Talk To You”, released back on February 14th, was described as an anti-Valentine anthem.
The line:
“I should have know better than to trust someone with trust issues”
really stuck out to me. It seems so common in the modern dating age to fall for someone who is emotionally detached. What isn’t so common is to break that connection and find your self-worth. As the song progresses, Morgan Keller does just that. It’s this realization of knowing you can do better is what makes this such an strong “anti-Valentine anthem”.
The strong vocals of Keller accompanied by the lyrical depth and instrumental build-up really encases you from the moment you press play. Like her previous song, “Who’s There?”, you’ll have “Still Talk To You” on repeat for a while. Take a listen yourself by clicking the link below!
Morgan Keller