If I had to describe as this show in one word it would be: mesmerizing. I was in awe during the entire show. Not only did the lighting heighten the raw energy of Knocked Loose’s songs, the band themselves were exhilarating. The gradual expansion of the moshpit in the middle of the Warfield floor and steady flow of crowd surfers wasn’t dangerous in the slightest. These experienced fans were incredibly polite and knew how to have a good time without hurting non-consenting audience members.

The band is popular for a reason. Those who may not know their discography but are drawn to metalcore should definitely experience a Knocked Loose show. Everything I love about this genre was showcased in this room, and I’ve been reliving this night over and over again.
View their remaining tour dates on their website and stream their recently released album You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To on your preferred streaming service.