Directed by Chloe Zhao
Starring: Frances McDormand, Jason Strathairn, Swankie, Bob Wells & Linda May
Nomadland is a drama film from director Chloe Zhao which focuses on the nomadic lifestyle in the US. It’s also a serious look at loneliness and what it means to live without a “home”.
Starring Francis McDormand, the film follows her character over the course of a few years, magnifying certain specific experiences and encounters with interesting and loving people along the way.
This was the first film by Chloe Zhao I’ve had the pleasure of seeing. In terms of directing, this film did not disappoint. The performances were solid, with some outstanding work being done by non-professional actors; people who really live the style of life that the film is focusing on. But this aspect is also where my biggest issues with the film lie.
While she does a great job in her role, McDormand always sort of feels outside the experience. Aside from a couple of scenes, usually when she is alone or in a more quiet moment of conversation, she feels like an interviewer in a documentary. Certainly not an issue overall, as it allows the audience to imprint somewhat on her while we listen to the tales or thoughts of the other vagabonds. But it did leave the ending feeling a bit shallow for me.

Nomadland also looks fantastic. It rides the crest of the wave of current cinematography trends and uses wide shots as well as taking advantage of local geography. This aspect also gets slightly overused. As if every important event in Fern’s life happens at glowing dawn or dusk. Even throughout these small missteps, this is obviously a film about love. Platonic love, romantic, self-love, are all explored with a caring touch that makes this film stand powerfully above other similarly themed works. This was a very enjoyable watch, which is impressive given the material. It is also a respectful look at the lifestyle without romanticizing or demonizing any aspects, it’s a clear look at a life that, in media, has not been broadly treated that way.

Overall, Nomadland’s heart definitely shines through with some stumbles along the way. Chloe Zhao and the whole team who worked on this film certainly deserve the recognition they’re getting. Hopefully this is a sign of more great films to come. Nomadland won the Golden Globe for Best Picture and Chloe Zhao won the Golden Globe for Best Director. This film is available now on Hulu.