12.17.21 | The Regency Ballroom | San Francisco, CA
The Driver Era blessed the Regency Ballroom stage on December 17th with a stage presence that matches the eccentric nature of their music. This band was what San Francisco needed after a week of non-stop rain. They brought a radiance to the city that is only felt in the summer; a comforting warmth mixed with a joy that coats the air around you.
The Driver Era are an alternative rock duo comprised of brothers Rocky and Ross Lynch. Their discography is what mid 80s music would sound like if it was made today. You may have heard their hit single “A Kiss” from their latest album Girlfriend – a fun tune that, like the rest of their music, will get you on your feet.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at their show. The fans were the most welcoming group I had ever experienced. Singing happy birthday to someone in the crowd as we waited for The Wrecks to appear, to throwing roses and a light up flower crown at Ross; it was an overall fun time with them.

A warning for those who may be sensitive to flashing light. During both the Wrecks’ and The Driver Era’s sets, there was an elongated period of lights flashing rapidly into the crowd. Those who stood in the back like I did received the brunt of it, but we were able to use the people in front of us as shields.
You’re always guaranteed a good time with The Driver Era. Make sure to grab a ticket to their show if they’re coming to your area. And be sure to check out the full gallery below!